Preparing for the Future

by Denny Schackter, USPTA Professional

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the future can never be predicted. Like you, I was completely caught off guard with all the dynamics that have occurred, much less, seeing what has happened to our tennis employment.
I wrote an article a while back about retirement and tennis teaching professionals, indicating that all of us have to prepare for the day when we cannot feed tennis balls anymore. Needless to say, when I wrote it, I did not think about the reduction of facilities and staff, and the way they are forced to operate.
As you look to your future, you must have a plan for the “whatever is next.” In the article I wrote, I suggested that tennis pros, are in essence, “one trick ponies.” We do not prepare well and our talents are pretty limited.
As you look toward your future, I would recommend you consider the following:

Learn a second language. The content of America is very diverse. Meet that diversity head on by learning another language so you are marketable.
Consider working on a degree in accounting, either a 2-year degree, or an MBA so that you have value to your facility, or another profession, if and when you cannot feed balls. With so many advanced degree programs online now, one can do a post grad degree pretty efficiently.
Network with members and friends so that you have a readily available resource of people to rely on if and when things turn sour.
Most important, please be sure your resume is up to date and has the right content for the “what’s next.” Listing where you worked is not nearly as important as what you accomplished in the jobs you have held. Go online and learn the do’s and don’ts for resume building in today’s world.

USPTA Midwest Division Announces Congratulations
2020 Hall of Fame Inductees

Mark Faber, Toledo, Ohio
Dan Hopkins, Terre Haute, Ind.
Denny Schackter, Palatine, Ill.
Alan Schwartz, Chicago, Ill.

Read the complete USPTA Midwest Division Newsletter Summer 2020 by USPTA HERE.

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